Sophos release notes

Product type:
Sophos Intercept X

Sophos Intercept X

These are the release notes for Sophos Intercept X for Windows 7 and later, managed by Sophos Central.

Some information only applies to specific versions of Windows. For example, we tell you which updates apply to Windows 10 64-bit and later.

Some of the features mentioned in these release notes are only available if you have the appropriate license.

The three numbers in the version uniquely identify the software and configuration released. The version number displayed in the Sophos Endpoint and Central console may include a fourth number which can be ignored when verifying the installed release.

You may find that you can't yet download and use the latest version. This is because Sophos releases the software over a number of days, but publishes the release notes on the first day.

View the product documentation at Endpoint protection.